Interactive Afternoon Coaching

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Interactive Afternoon Coaching

Pupil often faces various learning difficulties, lack motivation and self-confidence. For the day boarders and boarders, we have designed afternoon classes for them to develop a detailed understanding of the subject of study. Our trained teachers assist slow learners so that they can improve to a certain extent. They must not feel low and doomed and hence full chances of improvement are taken care of in these classes. Elimination of barriers of time is taken care of. Students are taught to follow systematic instruction for improvement in writing as well as academic skills. DBM specially look into special process to stimulate their students’ interest and initiative in learning. Frequent class tests, worksheets and common errors of pupils are marked to carry out proper evaluation and improvement of each learner. Short and clear instructions are also provided to avoid confusion and maintain clarity during the learning process. Education is not only transferring knowledge but inculcating virtues and fostering respect and responsibilities. Hence DBM focuses on individualized care with utmost guidance.